Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bye, Bye Brian

Sadly today camp ended and Brian departed.  Hugs and kisses all the way around.

Camper Awards Ceremony

Our final camper awards ceremony included certificates for each camper.  The applause from the onlookers was stunning.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Weird Photos #2

Here are more very strange photos:

Weird Photos #1

Hard to believe, but part of being with these three boys is a series of unusual photographs.  Here is a sample:

Shedd Aquarium

We also walked across the museum campus to the Shedd Aquarium.  Fabulous.  Dolphins.  Dragons.  Lizards.  Whales.  Too cool.

Field Museum

Today was museum day - we went to the Field Musuem.  There were three cool exhibits we saw:  Natural Disasters, Underground Animals and Mythic Creatures.  It was really fun to watch them have fun and learn together.